Sunday, February 17, 2008

guns don't kill people, games do
Another campus massacre, this time at Northern Illinois University, and games are already being blamed (Counter-strike in this case). What we do know is that the shooter was a 27 year old graduate student with an excellent academic record who had stopped taking medication for an unnamed condition. How exactly would banning sale of violent games to minors have had any impact on a disturbed, homicidal adult? How about controlling the sale of actual guns?

Of the many cycnical attempts to exploit such tragic incidents that we have seen over the years, Illinois state Rep. Robert Pritchard's especially craven sop to gun nuts takes the cake: gun control won't help stop gun violence. No, it's violent games and movies that are the problem. In fact, Rep. Pritchard says if more people were packing pistols we'd have less gun violence. Check it out in the Chicago Herald and

Massacre-chaser Jack Thompson has (predictably) shown up on Fox news to blame violent games and promote himself in his fight against the Florida court system. In an email to he actually compares himself to Paul Revere. Wow.