Saturday, November 22, 2008

To clarify: don't steal. really.
I've been getting emails about my post regarding Spore's drm issues and feel a need to be explicit. I am completely against stealing games or any other content. I am also against onerous use restrictions placed on legit users. Those two views are not mutually exclusive.

It takes a boatload of money to make a AAA game title, and it's completely unreasonable to expect the people who work on it or finance to do it for free. I understand the ease of downloading, but it's also easy to walk out of Walgreen's with a pocket full of lipstick but that don't make it right. I likewise understand the desire to get games electronically instead of schlepping to a game store to buy a physical copy of the game (or ordering a disk from Amazon), and we're getting there. But c'mon, you know you are taking something that isn't yours. Don't send me an email justifying your behavior. I've heard it all and am not moved.

On the other hand... when I pay for something I expect recognition of that salient fact and do not appreciate restrictions that clearly tell me I am an untrustworthy potential thief. This goes for itunes and spore and any other product that I can't use on all my gadgets and computers. And I have a LOT of them, like most of us in the 21st century. I want to be able to use my centro, ipod, eepc, workstation, notebook, ps3, etc. as one integrated system and it makes me nuts to have to jump through hoops to do so. And you can't convince me I should pay for multiple copies of something because I use lots of gizmos.

Okay, bring it on. Let the heated debate begin.