Sunday, March 02, 2008

shame on you, alex jones
Alex Jones's Infowars piece “ICED: an Illegal Immigration Training Video Game” is a massively wrong-headed take on ICED, the serious game about immigration policy published by human rights organization Breakthrough. Think I'm overreacting? Notice that he starts the article with "An Indian woman, Mallika Dutt, has released a video game that essentially trains illegal aliens how to sneak across the border and avoid border patrol agents and cops." Would he be less concerned if an American man had written the game?
And how about this outrageous statement: "Of course, as the average Mexican or Latin American does not have access to a video game console, let alone a television, the game is more practically geared toward an effort to inculcate middle class Americans into the belief that illegal immigration is a human rights issue, never mind open borders and the influx of third world people is a globalist plot to turn the United States, soon to become part of a North American Union, into a feudal slave labor gulag based on the China model."
Hey fool -- it's a PC game. It's not a border-crossing training sim. Take some time to learn about the game before you shriek about it.